Current Home Heating Oil Prices In Hampton Virginia

It pays to keep an eye on what home heating oil prices are doing if you want to save money.

  • Do you regularly find yourself searching for local heating oil prices?
  • Are you calling fuel oil dealers trying to compare the price of oil to make sure you are getting the best price?

When you contact Optimum Fuel Services you are readily provided our fuel oil prices.

But you will find some heating oil delivery companies don’t give this information out readily, which doesn't make it easy for you to compare home heating oil prices.

Why some heating oil companies make it difficult to find out heating oil prices?

Usually companies that do this work with customers on a contract basis only. So they need to send someone out to talk with you about their pricing plans, policies and the terms of the contract agreement.

For some being under contract is something they are fine with and you may be considering this option. But before signing that contract remember...

  • Contracts are binding and you are locked in with that company for the time set in the contract, whether you like the service or not.
  • Ask your neighbors, friends or relatives how they like the service they receive.
  • Find out the price they are paying for oil before obligating yourself to a contract agreement or budget plan.
  • Make sure that when you are ready to end the agreement, you can do so without some type of penalty.

But we are offer something different!

No contracts with us!  No hassle!

Get the best price for fuel oil without salespeople or contracts!

If you are a person who prefer not to be bound by a contract and want the freedom of choice... we make it simple for you!

  1. There will be no sales people coming out to talk to you before giving you a price.
  2. There are no contracts to sign to receive prices or services from us.
  3. You can start services with us by placing an order and you are free to stop services when you wish. It's just that simple.

Since you can go anywhere you please at anytime to purchase heating oil or kerosene to heat your home... we do our utmost to give you outstanding service! We provide you with fast, friendly service at the best price every time you order.

3 Options To Find Out Our Current Home Heating Oil Prices

  1. You can be given a price by phone. Call 757-325-2373
  2. Join our "Price Watch Program" mailing list and receive a price quote by email automatically when prices change
  3. Fill out our contact us form when you need a price right away

By joining our Price Watch Program mailing list...

When there is a change 5 cents or more per gallon in the oil prices... up or down... we will send out our current heating oil price to you by email.

You will be able to see trends when the local home heating oil prices are up or down, which can help you save on your heating costs. We believe that by helping you find ways to save money... in turn helps us stay in business!

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*Your email information will not be sold or given to other sources for any reason. And when you are ready you can opt out at any time.

"Remember... We have a low price guarantee! If our competitor's price is lower than ours we will beat that price!"

Additional Articles of Interest

Need Heating Oil Assistance? Read this article to find out the various sources in Virginia to get help with your fuel bills.

Looking for Home Heating Oil Discounts? Check out all the ways we help you save on your fuel costs with our discount programs.

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